1.   Street Lights, High Mast Lights 2.   Landscape Ligh&ng 3.   Feeder Pillars with Photocell 4.   External Cables 5.   MV Power System 6.   Transformers 7.   Stand-by Generators 8.   LV Switchgear and Cables 9.   ELV System / Structured Cabling 10. Water Supply Network, Firefigh&ng Network 11. Irriga&on Network, Drainage Network 12. Fire Pumps


1.   HVAC: *  All Air condi&ons systems (Concealed, Split, Window, Chilled water, VRV systems) *  Duct Works 2. Fire Figh&ng 3.Plumbing


.1.   LIGHTING:  Lux verifica&on Achieving interna&onal standards specially those of Life and Safety   Installa&on of Ligh&ng fixtures according to RCP and ID drawings 2.   POWER:  * Installa&on of mechanical equipment disconnect switches *  Installa&on of cable trays and cable trunks *   Installa&on of Panel boards and termina&ons 3.   LIGHT CURRENT SYSTEMS *   Fire alarm system *  CCTV system * Telecommunica&ons System . * Access Control system    Sound System * IPTV system *  Nurse Call system *  Intercom system *  Queuing & Parking Management System

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